Our initial connection was so deep that I instantly recognized the value that you could bring to my life.

I did have reservations about investing in myself and whether or not I should spend the money. It was a large amount of money and I wasn't sure that I deserved to spend that on a seemingly selfish task. I was afraid of what people would think of me if they found out the amount of money I paid for a coach. There is such a stigma with asking for help. All of these gave me pause, but I ultimately chose to follow my curiosity, intuition, and ultimately, my heart.  

I used to get so annoyed when you asked me every session what I wanted to create. It wasn't until I realized that I was capable of manifesting my reality did I fully understand the question. Thank you for helping me realize that truth. 

Ultimately my biggest challenge was that felt I was not good enough. I believe that all of my problems stemmed from this one thought. It's a terrible state to live in because I always felt the need to validate myself. I realized that there’s no need for me to constantly search for external validation. I am beautiful just as I am and I can just be in the present moment. My life has dramatically changed. I am ultimately more present and this has strengthened my connections to myself, my family and my communities.

I am constantly amazed by your presence in conversation and how that enables insight by objectively viewing my behavior and thought patterns.  

Through all of this I have learned to show compassion to myself and everyone that I come in contact with. This is a practice and I will continue to create awareness around this value. I have been able to loosen the entanglement of the outcomes of my desires and my self value. I can strive to fulfill my desires and fully live life in all of its forms. I know that I am loved.

I highly recommend you to anyone that is ready to truly step into their deeper purpose. I would let them know that you are an amazing human being that creates so much value and love in the world, and that your services are worth more than the investment.

I'm so grateful for our time together. I'm not sure I could adequately express my gratitude. You've helped me to see my creative power and helped heal the deepest layer of my past by showing me that I am loved. I'm so in touch with living from my heart and the creation that is coming from that place is beautiful. I love you man.

Chad Robert Peyton - Aviator, Community Leader, Veteran’s Advocate. (Nov 10, 1988 - May 1, 2021. Rest in Peace.)


As I reflect on the many gifts that Allan has bestowed upon me, probably one of the greatest is his ability to take me to a place where I’m visiting the design map of my soul. It was incredible how Allan cultivated the space session after session allowing me to go deeper and deeper safely into unlocking this already predesigned authentic blueprint of my life. I always came away feeling connected to a spiritual part of me that has been longing to be tapped. I’m so grateful for this as there really is no price tag or a curriculum or a logical process that takes you there, it’s more a realm in which you experience when things collide out of mutual intention, respect and love.

I’ve created a new home for myself, a new home for my business, a stronger team, and a new calling with a stronger message that I am bringing to the world….

I hold dearly in my year plus with Allan all the things we uncovered. I use daily my ability to own creation and ask myself who I’m being right now throughout the day. I feel a sense of power rising in me that I would not have had otherwise. My faith is a very rich part of my being and I’m grateful God brought Allan my way to hear him (God) more.

I recommend anyone that’s ready to be vulnerable and stand in some very uncomfortable soil to get to a higher place of being seek Allan. I think without it we stay stuck in a wheelhouse of habit that looks and feels conventionally successful but lacks our true potential. Victory has a whole new meaning to me and I’m headed in that direction - up. I’ve become bolder in my soul character after having the space and language to explore and talk through it with Allan, selflessly giving to get there. Forever grateful.

Michele Vennard - Author, Speaker, and Owner/Founder of Bikram Yoga San Jose


To have a purpose in life, to feel that when I wake up in the morning, I’m making a difference and I’m connected to something that's bigger than me, that's the two elements of perseverance. I’ve got the connected to something that's bigger than me...the work I’m doing is something that's bigger than me and the work that I’m doing is actually making a difference. So when I’m connected to something that's mine and those two components are there, I wake up every morning and I just want to create. I want to build.

It comes out, there's no motivation required. You have to stop me from doing it. That's the problem now; I have to take breaks and take time off.

There's been a shift I would say. In the early part of our work together I was the focal point. I was the purpose. I was the end game. Now, that's shifted, and I am a conduit for something bigger.

Dominic Chapman - Coach and Founder of Parenting by Design

I feel that in the the work that I'm doing, there's a direct line between every single blog post, every single conversation...there's a line connecting all of that.

I don't think I've ever felt quite so connected to something that I'm trying to create before, but at the same time, I'm not completely fussed about what it looks like. So I'm not planning everything to the nth degree. I'm not setting for myself stupid fucking targets. I'm trusting that the intention is clear, and that the work is being done for the right reasons.

And I am building and building and building and working towards creating that. There's a map in my mind of what the future holds: work wise, creation wise, purpose wise. And I'm just going to be working on that. I feel like that's it. I love it.

Dear Allan,

First, let me start by saying that I am truly blessed to call you a friend, teacher, and mentor. You are an absolutely amazing soul.

I am boundlessly grateful for your love. You BE a beautiful example of unconditional love. Your compassion, perspective, insight and wisdom continually allow me to love myself more and better.

In the space you hold for me, I have learned to love my dragons, demons and all the little people in my head. I have learned better questions to ask of myself; thoughtfully and emotionally. I have been reminded of the things that make me uniquely and amazingly me. I have rediscovered parts of myself I had put away. I have discovered other parts I didn’t know are part of me. I have gotten much better at giving myself grace. I am embracing all the pieces of me. I am accepting and loving of myself rather than fighting my inner pieces. I have always been unapologetically myself - but it wasn’t my whole self. These days I feel much more complete.

In the space you hold for me, you have guided me to a place of loving all of myself. You have such a gift of creating a space of love that makes a person feel safe…letting down their armor.

And from my experience, it’s much easier to grow when you (me) aren’t lugging around the armor. I have relearned to trust my intuition and to follow my breadcrumbs. You remind me of my curiosity. By sitting with my curiosity, I’ve realized that CURIOSITY is one of my major two values, and it replaces JOY, because my joy comes from my curiosity - not the other way around.

I could go on and on, but I don’t want to ramble on. You BE a blessing, a gift, an amazing light, a wise soul and a super cool, hugely talented, great sense of humor, inspirational kind of guy.

Mr. Allan Jay Santos, YOU are touching greatness my friend. You BE greatness in all you give back to the rest of us and the love you share. Thank you for everything. Every minute with you helps me to illuminate my own greatness and I love you for that.

I am so excited to have you write the preface of my book someday soon! Because I AM an author.

Thank you for holding my hand and guiding me to my own wisdom.

Jennifer Bird - Author

I started off by talking with a few other coaches and was thinking about a possible mastermind. I thought about it and realized that I’ve done groups, but 1:1 coaching is something I’ve never invested in. About this time, I saw one of Allan’s post about a book by Carol Dweck, and remembered him from the peer coaching group a few years ago and reached out.

The coaches I spoke to were all really great, and I got good insights from all of them. The thing that I liked about my conversations with Allan was a sense of a holistic approach, one that was interested in what I was passionate about, but also seeing my challenges very clearly. I also felt like he understands what I’m feeling, where I’m at, more than the other coaches. I think they all had some inkling, but he seems to relate in a way that they didn’t. 

I also liked that his coaching background is a bit like mine, a bit eclectic, drawing from any useful source. I felt like some of the others were either dismissive of 3Ps, or that’s all they do. I also feel like he has a good blend of practical, task based advice, combined with an interest in expanding my understanding of myself and what I’m capable of. Mostly, I think I feel the most possibility when he and I talk. He understands what I mean about growing in a way that is my own, that I can own, and be 100% my best self, rather than implementing ‘best practices’ from gurus. I always like to learn, but I also like to understand the ‘why’ and apply that to my own approach.

Working with Allan over the last year has been enlightening, challenging, and joyful.

When I started with Allan, my goal was primarily to grow my business, overcome some resistance in that area, and to experience a deeper connection to my own experience of life.

Over the year, we talked about many things, and every conversation left me feeling a bit more connected, a bit clearer on what I’m up to, and a bit more grounded.

I reconnected with old friends, spent more time outdoors, and began writing about how I see things. I also went deeper into my work, and gained a better understanding of what coaching is, and how it creates a space for a client to grow, to solve their own problems, and to see their own wisdom.

It has been a rewarding journey, and I have grown a lot, both as a person and as a coach.

I would encourage anyone looking for a space to explore and to grow to reach out to Allan and have a conversation.

You won’t regret it.

John McKay - Transformational Coach and Writer

Working with Allan will, quite simply, change your life. That is a promise. Don't believe me, or not sure how seeking Allan as a mentor could possibly change. every. single. aspect of your life? Let me explain how creating space with Allan over the course of one year has changed my life...

First, he and I made agreements around how we would communicate with each other. These agreements create a clarity between us. These agreements create a complete and unconditional love between us. This creates TRUST. This is a very powerful form of communication that does not allow for expectations, and therefore disappointments. Thus we create a way to constantly move forward in loving communication. This creates the basis of how I now aspire to communicate with everyone, every day, at any given time.

Next, we talked every week about whatever I wanted to talk about... Whatever I want. Period.

Work, life, relationships, family, dreams, whatever! There is no judgment in this space. This allows for complete ownership on the part of the person being coached. What do you want help on, what do you want to see in a different way, what makes you uncomfortable, where do you want to grow, and what do you want to CREATE? Who are you and who do you want to be? I want to be the best version of myself, and Allan helps me understand and know that person.

Allan can both see the truth of you and he can also see what/who you are NOT. By pointing a light to who you are not, and allowing you to tenderly accept and release these parts that don't serve your true being, Allan will introduce and/or hold you to your true self. Allan will sometimes believe in you more than you believe in yourself, as he did for me. Allan truly gives you a gift when you are in self-doubt, and he will remind you to come back to yourself, safely and with love. As many times as necessary.

The way I see it ... Allan sees a person at the heart level. Allan will see the greatest version of you, he will love all versions of you, and he will hold you accountable to trust yourself through commitment to yourself. Together with Allan, you are able to have the opportunity to constantly create the greatest version of YOU. At least, that's what happens for me every time I work with Allan.

Melissa Pereira Gelin - Acupuncturist, Holistic Health Coach, Owner and Founder of Golden Light Acupuncture

My work with Allan has significantly impacted my personal and professional growth. When you work with Allan, you get someone fully engaged and committed to your success. This was very apparent from our very first session.

What I particularly appreciated about Allan was the safe space he created for me to explore my thoughts, ideas, perspectives, and fears. He fostered an environment of trust, openness, and vulnerability that allowed me to delve deeper without hesitation or reservation. Allan’s empathetic and non-judgmental approach encouraged me to take risks and step outside my comfort zone.

Throughout our work, Allan often challenged my thinking in a kind and caring way, which helped me gain clarity and develop a new perspective on different aspects of my business. He asked insightful and thought-provoking questions that facilitated my self-awareness and helped me uncover limiting beliefs and behaviors that were holding me back from achieving my full potential and BEING who I am meant to BE.

I am grateful for my work with Allan and the doors it continues to open for me in my business and life. I will continue to put into practice what I learned during our time together

Kelly Moertle - Sales and Leadership Expert, Executive Coach and Founder of KCM Coaching

Before our work, I was slowly losing more and more belief in myself. I was beginning to lose hope that I would not achieve the things I wanted in life. Our work has led me back on a path where the end goal is attainable. I feel like I have spent years creating the blocks that made me the person that I was. Now, I feel like there are no more detours.

I have found a much deeper sense of purpose and direction in my life since we started our work together. I've always heard sayings like 'everything you create in life comes from within yourself', and our work together has made that feel much more real.

Character art: Danny Rosenberg

Character art: Danny Rosenberg

I have created an understanding and awareness of my feelings and visions. I have gained a much stronger sense of how to determine my best actions. I have gained a much deeper sense of fulfillment in my life emotionally.

I understand the power of Integrity; the power of one's own word. I always understood the word integrity differently than after talking about it here. Now it really feels like integrity is the driving force for everything else in life.

If I continue to cultivate the principals we created with, I would see and feel permanent momentum and endless potential in my life. Everything that I set out to achieve would be 100% creatable and I would be completely aware of it.

Anyone who feels that they have trouble understanding their direction or purpose in the world, also anyone who is looking for a deeper understanding of what truly makes them feel fulfilled, whether professionally, emotionally, or socially should be in conversation with Allan.

Danny Rosenberg - Video Game Character Designer, Illustrator and Concept Artist


“I feel so empowered by the awareness I have of my world.”

Allan has been my coach for the past seven months, and he has helped me change my world....he has helped me feel excited about life again.

I look back, and I was so negative, played a victim, divorce, health, weight gain, insecure, constantly having internal put downs to myself, guilt, resentment, and I never took any responsibility for the life I created.

I have a completely new perspective….I know that my Word creates my World. I can accomplish anything I set my mind to, and I am no longer afraid to dream big moving forward. My vision for my future is exciting, and I know what I want will happen because I create it!

I have lost 28 pounds so far, and will reach my goal within this year! I am making changes that I never thought I could make, or never felt worthy of making. Allan was such a great coach in helping me become aware of all the negative I was bringing into my life, and slowly chipped at away my negative outlook over the last 7 months. He helped me become aware not by telling me what to do or think, but giving me the tools I needed. I feel so empowered by the awareness I have of my world. I have had so many aha moments and these moments of insight keep growing.

I will always be appreciative of Allan, and how comfortable he made me feel through the whole process. He is truly genuine, and I was able to be open and trust his intentions. Our last session he asked me what was the biggest part I have gained from our time together, and I said, "I am capable of creating anything I want". The changes that I had to make since last year to get here were many, and I am very grateful to have a new perspective open to my life.

I am a work in progress, and will continue to strive for what I want. I also have Allan in my back pocket, and that gives me great comfort moving forward!

Heidi Volltrauer - COO Volt Industrial Plastics

Working with Allan is always a beautiful invitation and an exquisite process.

He brings much creative clarity, nurturing & keenly focused support to the conversation as he steers the coaching craft & collaboration with precision, joyfulness and deep intention.

I trust his intuitive quality completely and have often benefited from the wisdom of his many ‘hunches’.   Many of these insights stay with me, and continue to guide me still.

In our sessions I catch many glimpses of what might be possible, who I forgot I was, and indeed new versions of myself that want to come into being, a rekindling of what I had forgotten.

Allan skillfully helps to clear pathways and present a navigational system that begin epic new journeys.

His unwavering presence, playful curiosity, and loving encouragement is a true gift for which I am very grateful.”

Ruth Lynch - Artist, Personal Assistant and Yoga Teacher

Painting by Ruth Lynch

This work has given clear direction of where I am going, an Intentional Direction!!

The work that I have done with Allan throughout this program and with his one on one coaching has greatly impacted my life.

The Pre-work helped me begin the deep process of creating clarity, but then Allan came in and took it to a different level. Allan’s coaching me on each part of creating my systems gave a deep inner perspective that I deeply needed. I could have done this as a self study project, and then maybe had some clarity, but for me, the coaching was, was beneficial.

It’s great coaching.

Allan was very flexible with how my mind works. It doesn’t work for me when people say “Do it this way.” He worked with how I see things in away that benefited the outcome of this work together. It was not a one way street approach. I just do so much better with visual learning and that flexibility of what works best for me and how to express it, that was helpful.

The recordings that I received from each session really helped me with clarity and going deeper with myself. I’ll have these tools forever and my guess is that I can start over again at anytime. Should something come over me,  you know, I have an AHA, I'll be able to go back through and use this again, and now I know how to do it independently.

Brigitte Shipman - Founder and CEO of Mother’s Guide Through Autism

Production still of Paper Moon Opera Production’s The Juliet Letters (photo credit: Cory Weaver)

Production still of Paper Moon Opera Production’s The Juliet Letters (photo credit: Cory Weaver)


Allan listened to my concerns about engaging my team and growing Papermoon. He created a really integrated and thoughtful few days that brought our company together in a way that felt natural and creative; just like our work together as a design and production team.

We discovered our team’s values, strengths and future plans together in such an organic and helpful way. This company retreat was instrumental in creating our team dynamic and a shared language that helps us be more collaborative as a unit and showed us the real bonds that make us even stronger.

Each team member left feeling respected and seen with a clear agenda for future growth.

Fenlon Lamb- Stage Director, Executive and Artistic Director, Co-founder of Papermoon Opera Productions

I started working with Allan at a time when my stress levels were so high that my body was having adverse reactions. I myself was in a coaching program, learning how to be a coach, yet was not receiving coaching; as soon as I started working with Allan, things started to get better. I think this shows the value of having professional help. We need another person to make space for us. Reading books and watching YouTube is not the same as having someone give you their attention and helping you as you vocalize whatever is real for you at the moment.

What I found really helpful about Allan's style is that he is really calm, he made things simpler, and showed a new perspective which lead me to see things didn't have to have a "right" answer. I can be really mental, and also perfectionistic. Allan always held space for things to be easier and let me know that right where I was was the best place to start any positive change towards the future. In the time I worked with him I was able to feel comfortable asserting myself as a professional, was able to trust in the flow of life more, and eased up on taking things so seriously and rigidly. I also got to discover who I am and what I want more clearly in a relaxed atmosphere.

Something that sticks out to me about Allan is that he is so genuine and kind. He doesn't seem to be wanting (rather he's just being), not even wanting a specific result for his client, but just to serve and act as a support for their self discovery. This energy he brings helped me to feel empowered, because I really had the space to show up exactly as I was without him forcing the conversation, and I was pleased by the work I was able to do during our time together. I can give myself credit for so much of it, because Allan let me be center stage.

I have recommended Allan to some friends already and will continue to do so. Particularly I would recommend Allan to people who want to get out of their own way, out of their heads, and who are aware of a need to slow down.

R.G.- Health and Meditation Coach


Working with Allan is very special.

The journey our conversations took gave me the strength to trust my instincts more. I never felt rushed, and we were able to get into some really detailed blockages and challenges for me. I reconnected with my me and learned a few helpful tips for right now.

Before each conversations Allan set the tone with guidelines, held space for big possibilities, and made me feel at ease getting into it.

Following our conversations I made some pretty big changes in my life, all of which felt aligned with what I wanted. I expressed to my work that I was no longer feeling challenged/inspired in my role and that I was exploring some other options, which catalyzed conversation around assigning to in a more creative role, which has been a much better fit for me.

This would have never happened if I weren't able to confidently talk about what I am good at, and pitch a few developed ideas I had to the owners. One day a month or so after working with Allan, I ran into him and simply said..."Things have just been shifting and falling into place. I'm not really sure why. But I like it."

Thank you Allan for helping me focus in on some important things in my way.

C.K.- Marketing Assistant

Oh Dear Allan, Thanks so much for the kind and calm energy you bring to my life. The simplicity of your approach is just what I was needing-combined with this awesome inspirational capacity for care and cheerleading, which I am still grasping to fully understand the value of. Your giving is something I’m holding as a model for myself in my career.

I don’t need to say I wish for good to come your way, because the way I believe is that you’ve already planted that harvest for yourself. I wish you instead more light and strength, to be the best of you and that you find beautiful moments and mysteries solved and blossomed in the process, for you’ve shown me that it’s the process that’s really beautiful, and it’s already great as it is. Thank you for helping me with mine.

G.R.- Personal Stylist