Energy is the spark of creation

One of the basic rhythms we are born into is the expending and regaining of energy. From the broad stroke of a day, we give energy through the day and we recover and regain energy when we sleep.

If we zoom in and look more finely at our waking day, it too contains oscillations of energetic peaks and lulls.

Unfortunately, we live in a world that is hostile to rest, rewarding productivity at all costs. The saying “You can sleep when you’re dead” comes to mind.

We have learned to override our rhythms and flatten out our oscillations into a linear relationship to our energy. There are plenty of studies that show the detriment of overwork to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions of our lives.


Our ability to cultivate a deeper introspective awareness of our own oscillations gives us a way to work with our natural rhythms.

Stress is actually good thing, we would not grow with out it and we increase fulfillment when we see our own growth by overcoming challenges.

We have forgotten how to listen to and work with the pulse of our own lives.

The ability to release and turn off intensity, to release stress on the macro and micro level of our lives leads to more sustained, higher level engagement and performance in all of life’s dimensions: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.


Learn to listen to your own energetic rhythm. Learn. To. Create. Space….

Yesyyoucanstillbuildintensity. But listen….

Listen to your pulse…buffer intensity with release.

With space. To rest.

To let go.

And recover.

And regain energy….

Because energy is the spark of creation.


On mistakes


Our incredible mind